Wednesday, September 18, 2013


You know how sometimes you watch a video on Youtube and it causes you to contemplate the meaning of life? Well, here are a few Youtube videos that I came across recently that have inspired and uplifted me. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

The State Fair

We went to the state fair. It reeked of obesity, broken dreams, fried food, and animal feces. Good times were had by all...


Monday, June 24, 2013

Babies do the darn-dest things...

Like poop on your bed.

Which is what Daphne did half an hour ago.  I was about to write a blog post and was sitting on the bed with Daphne propped up between my legs-we are working on our "assisted sitting."  I heard a toot and checked but it was clean.  I turned on some music and moved Daphne to situate her better when I felt something damp on my hand.  No. Oh no.

I picked her up into the air promptly but I was not fast enough, icky mustard-yellow poop had already gotten on our sheets.  I quickly got Daphne to the bathroom and put her in the tub on her little foam piece ready for a bath and quickly stripped the bed and threw it all into the wash.  Now I am crossing my fingers that Oxyclean works some magic!

Now to the bath time brought on by this explosion.  How is she not the cutest?
This is her right now.  She got all tuckered out after the events.  I love all of her rolls!

Babies create a lot of laundry.  A LOT.

Sometimes they even climb onto your back... (okay, Nelson actually propped her up there.)  

But no matter how many times she wakes me up in the middle of the night (currently it is around four or five times...) this little girl is worth it all.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Snuggly Daphne

We went to a soccer game so Daphne could see the sport she will be playing as soon as she can walk. She loved it and enjoyed being safe and warm in her blankies. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Random pictures from my email

This pup is a snow magnet

The Ladells 

I am the only one in the band with a legit groupie 

Being pregnant is tough.

Rosalia cut my hair

Rosalia was the cutest pregnant woman ever
and she is the cutest mom now

I can see into your soul

Just give me five more minutes
Sometimes we hang out with friends

My mom loves her grandpup

Family Christmas photo

My mustache improved my musical abilities

Our friends yorkiepoo pooed on my crotch while smiling at me
One of the many styles of Beatrice

This is Halloween

This is Halloween



Baby Daphne!!!

Here are a few pictures of our little Daphne. We will be posting many more so don't worry.